Selasa, 16 Desember 2008

What is Harajuku??

Harajuku (原宿) is the common name for the area around Harajuku Station on the Yamanote Line in the Shibuya ward of Tokyo, Japan. It is primarily known as a hangout for teens and contains the department store Laforet, which has many trend-leading brands for young people.

HARAJUKU!! a fatal attraction to cuteness

"Work it, express it, live it, command your style! in pedestrian paradise, where the catwalk got its claws a subculture in a kaleidoscope of fashion. Prowl the streets of HARAJUKU....!! (Gwen Stefani-Harajuku Girls)

Hä®äJüKü IDS group! We Love it!


- Love music, fashion, dance
- LOLing is our habit, wkwkwkwkw....
- Peacefully
- Friendly
- No violance at all
- Polite only^^

WELCOME TO Hä®äJüKü......
Let's the cuteness begin....!!

Harajuku- -Lolita

Harajuku style sebenarnya terbagi atas banyak subgaya seperti Lolita, Kogal, Gongaru, Cosplay, Yamanba, dan masih banyak lagi. Seperti apa sebearnya gaya-gaya tersebut?

Lolita misalnya. Gaya ini mengadaptasi gaya boneka cantik dari Jepang dengan kulit putih pucat serta dandanan yang manis seperti boneka perempuan yang dijual di toko. Lolita terbagi menjadi beberapa macam gaya yaitu Gothic Lolita, Sweet Lolita, Classic Lolita, Punk Lolita, dan Wa Lolita. Semua style Lolita ini adalah untuk para wanita.

Gothic Lolita terkenal "gelap", dari make up yang gelap sampai baju serbahitam. Sementara gaya Punk Lolita juga mirip dengan gaya Gothic Lolita, hanya perbedaannya pada detailnya seperti gelang dan kalung paku-pakuan, gambar tengkorak sampai rambut mohawk.

Sweet Lolita adalah gaya yang diadaptasi dari manga atau komik Jepang yang merupakan fantasi anak-anak terhadap seorang Lolita. Maka jadilah gaya yang terlihat childish seperti ruffle yang tebal, sepatu platform dengan hak tinggi, rambut berkepang, pita besar sebagai aksesori dan lain-lain.

Classic Lolita adalah gaya yang diadaptasi dari gaya-gaya yang populer pada abad pertengahan seperti gaya anggota kerajaan Marie Anttoinette dari Prancis ataupun gaya Juliet dari karya roman Romeo dan Juliet milik Shakespeare.

Lolita terakhir adalah Wa Lolita. Wa Lolita sendiri memadukan gaya busana tradisional Jepang yaitu Kimono dengan gaya Lolita modern. Sehingga wanita-wanita yang mengenakan gaya ini mirip seperti boneka Jepang yang sedang berjalan, lengkap dengan bakiaknya.

Harajuku- -Cosplay

Gaya Harajuku lainnya yang cukup populer termasuk di sini adalah Cosplay yang merupakan singkatan dari costume play, yaitu berperan sebagai karakter favorit dengan mengenakan kostum karakter tersebut.

Karakter yang diikuti biasanya adalah karakter hero ataupun penjahat seperti yang ada di anime atau film-film kartun Jepang, manga, sampai video games. Sebut saja gaya pakaian kartun Sailor Moon, Tuxedo Bertopeng, City Hunter, sampai tokoh Sora dari video games Kingdom Heart. Bahkan, anak-anak pun tak mau kalah lho.

Gaya Cosplay favorit yang mereka tiru kebanyakan adalah tokoh-tokoh kartun dari program anak Nickelodeon. Artis Indonesia yang sering meniru gaya Cosplay adalah anggota grup musik J-Rock.

Harajuku- -Kogal

Masih ada gaya Harajuku lain yang tidak kalah funky dan punya penggemar tersendiri. Gaya Kogal misalnya. Kogal yang juga mirip dengan gaya Gongaru ini sering juga disebut gaya Kogyaru. Sepatu boots bersol datar baik tinggi maupun rendah, rok supermini, make up supertebal, rambut warna-warni, kaus kaki tinggi yang mencapai atas lutut, sampai aksesori besar adalah peralatan yang dibutuhkan jika Anda ingin bergaya Kogal atau Kogyaru.

Yang paling mencolok adalah bagaimana wanita Kogal "mewarnai" diri mereka sendiri hingga memiliki kulit sedikit gelap atau tan seperti orang yang habis berjemur.

Senin, 15 Desember 2008

Tips to wear harajuku style

1) Be creative
2) Be theatrical
3) Mix and match
4) Look cute
5) Have a sense of humour
6) Be confident wearing clothes that mix genres and influences
7) Be confident wearing clothes that have weird shapes
8) If you go for bright colours, make sure you have unusual, fun contrasts
9) If you wear make-up, wear it black
10) Be confident in your chosen look, period
11) Above all, be stylish!

How to Dress Harajuku Style?

1. Mix and match different fashion.
In harajuku, mixing different styles and mismatching colors and patterns is encouraged. You can do anything what you want, as long as your outfit is a thoughtful expression of your
2. Become familiar with variations of style in the Harajuku district.
- Gothic Lolita, involves wearing gothic, feminine and elegant clothes, to the extent that you look like a living Victorian doll

- Japanese Punk, inspired by the punk movement that began in London in the 70's, magnify rebelliousness with over the top clothes, accessories, make up and piercings

- Cosplay, entails dressing up like your favorite cartoon/anime or computer game character

- Kawaii (literally translating from Japanese to"cute"), place an emphasis on childlike playfulness-anime characters, ruffles, pastel, colors, toys, and so on

- Decora, style favors bright colors, flamboyance and accessories from head to toe. It's almost like Japanese version of "scene". You decorate yourself with plastic toys and jewelery, and it's not uncommon to have so many that you can hear them click together when the person moves
3. Dress in layers.
One of the hallmarks of Harajuku is layering. Sweaters, vests, or jackets over blouses over t-shirts, dresses worn with leggings, and so on.
4. Customize your clothes.
Secondhand clothing and do it yourself style are popular ingrendients in a Harajuku Outfit.
5. Accessorieze.
Add any wild accessories you have, such as belts, earrings, hair clips, jewelery, and handbags.
6. Go wild with your hair and make up.
The Harajuku style doesn't have to stop with your clothes. Creative, even theatrical make up can be a fun addition.
7. Wear whatever looks good to you.
8. Smile and say chiizu!! People in Harajuku are proud of their style, so you should be too.

Harajuku is freedom of spirit

  • Japan is still very good at consuming trends from the West, so if you walk down the boutiques of Takeshita street in Harajuku you'll probably see a lot of teenagers wearing mod clothes. Harajuku is a mecca for artists, independent spirits, and burgeoning fashion trends that provides a space of free expression in what is ordinarily a rather conservative Japanese culture. But Japanese fashion isn't afraid to take it one step further... dressing-up in costume is seen as a major element of fashions, so no-one will bat an eyelid at a pretty girl wearing a plastic fried egg round her neck as a fashion statement.

The Harajuku district: Origin of Harajuku Style

  • Harajuku fashion gets its name from the Harajuku district of Tokyo. All the switched-on harajuku kids go there to explore the many clothes shops and gather Yoyogi park, the cafes in Omotesando street or on the way to the Meiji shrine to display their latest harajuku creations for tourists as well as for their friends.